Diamond Inhouse

Things to know before Buying a Diamond

Buying a diamond is a huge investment – it can cost a lot depending on the size and quality of the diamond. Real diamond buying is definitely a confusing process like when it comes to purchasing diamonds so the question comes are What are 4Cs of a diamond? Which shops to purchase from? what quality to buy? will there be any certification for the diamonds you can get, and many others?

before Diamond buying understand the 4Cs

By this post, We will try to give you a little bit of knowledge of 4Cs of a diamond in simple words so you can understand while shopping for diamonds with complete confidence. While anyone wants to buy a diamond, there are many prospective to learn or understand. Starting directly with the steps which will help you in your buying process.


Understanding the 4Cs of a diamond

Any Diamond analysis is determined with the 4Cs of a diamond that is calculated by the highly skilled and experienced experts. The cut, color, carat, and clarity are included in the 4Cs of a diamond. Each of these four aspects is measured against the respective ranking system followed differently by many laboratories. Laboratories like GIA, IGI, and many more generate the proper report or certificates which helps anyone to find the details of the diamonds that they are interested in the buying of that diamond. 


4Cs of a diamond


First C: Cut 

The Cut is the most important 4Cs of a diamond. The Cut of a diamond can be of many types, but an excellent cut will give a maximum sparkle, and shine as the light will pass equally from all the facet.

If for example, You want to buy a diamond and you have found a diamond with the Color grade E, Clarity of VS but the cut of the diamond is Fair, and let’s call it to option 1, and you find another diamond with an excellent cut with the color grade F and Clarity of VS as an option 2. So, You should select the diamonds which have a better cut even if the color grade you are getting will be F but the sparkle and shine with the excellent cut will be maximum in option 2 as compared with option 1.
To know more details about the cut, you can click here on cuts.

There are many laboratories that provide different ways of grading scores or certificates. We are taking the GIA cut grading system which is used in the evaluation of diamonds and to make it easier they follow these five grades:

Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, and Poor.


Second C: Color

Once the diamond cut is determined, it’s important to consider the color of a diamond. The diamonds come in a variety of colors other than white, are blue, brown, yellow, pink, red, etc. which comes under the heading of colored diamonds. The most liked or demanding diamonds are colorless White, yellow, and brown. To know more about the colors in detail click here on colors.

The laboratories have different grading systems for the color and according to the GIA, grade D, representing a perfectly colorless diamond, and continues to grade Z, with the increasing shades of yellow or brown. The GIA follows these 5 categories for the color grading system:

Colorless, Near colorless, Faint, Very light, and Light.


The table describing the categories according to their grades:

Categories Gradings
Colorless D,E,F
Near Colorless G,H,I,J
Faint K,L,M
Very light N,O,P,Q,R
Light S to Z


Third C: Clarity

Clarity refers to the degree of imperfections or flaws that are present in a diamond. Considering the number of Inclusions is an important part while buying a diamond. And if you purchase without having a simple basic knowledge which might affect your decision in the long run and can make your investment go wrong. The inclusions can be small, medium, or large and in an inconspicuous place. For the better and quick understanding of clarity, we have made it as simple as possible with the help of a table.


The table below explains the category with the grading and its determining factors.



Determining factors

Flawless FL No inclusions are visible under a microscope
Internally Flawless IF No inclusions are visible under a microscope but a very minute on the surface of the diamond.
Very Very Slightly Included VVS-1 Inclusions are very minute and difficult to see from naked eyes.
Very Very Slightly Included VVS-2 It denotes less than VVS-1, as have a bit of more inclusions than VVS-1.
Very Slightly Included VS-1 Inclusions are very small but visible, under 10x magnifications.
Very Slightly Included VS-2 Inclusions are visible quite easily than in VS-1
Slightly Included SI-1 Inclusions are visible from the very first look under the 10x magnifications.
Slightly Included SI-2 Inclusions are seen very frequently than SI-1.
Included I-1 Inclusions can be seen without lens, with some efforts given.
Included I-2 Inclusions can be seen from the naked eyes and without any efforts.
Included I-3 Inclusions affect the brilliance and structure of a diamond, fully defective.


Fourth C: Carat

Carat is a measurement of the weight of the diamond. Diamond weight is so precise that the polished diamond is weighted to a thousandth of a carat and then rounded off the third decimal. And it’s very important to know the carat weight while purchasing the diamond.

A simple example will help you to understand about the carat.
If I want to purchase a diamond and I have a budget of say 10,000 bucks and for say the I’m looking for a diamond of 1 Carat with the color of white premium F, and it cost me like 15,000 bucks, and if I don’t have that much budget and also I don’t want to compromise on the color quality, what can I do is, I can select the diamond less than 1 carat, which can be in my budget and without compromising on my needed quality.



After the understanding of 4Cs in brief, then lets come to the small understanding of Grading Report or Certificates for the diamond.
An important question in everyone’s mind, will there be any proof of the quality of a diamond? The answer is Yes, there are many different laboratories in the world which are there to help you to understand the diamonds in detailing before you buy any diamonds.
To know more about the diamond Certificates, you can click here on a diamond certificate.

Diamond Report


The main question arises in the mind – Where or from whom to buy diamonds from?

When it comes to buying diamonds, it’s important to from which source are we purchasing. Either You can buy it from those who have the proper expertise and make you feel trusted, such as a diamond jeweler or gemologist or from the known friend or family members on which you have trust from many years or from the online websites or applications which are available for diamond trading. Remember one thing, you select whatever source you want but without the basic knowledge about the diamonds, your investment will always be at risk.

My advice for the right person will be the appropriate trainer or professional who is always open to your answers and able to explain things easily and clearly, not in any twisted ways. These kinds of people will work according to your needs, requirement and always provide or guide you with the best suggestions which are beneficial for you. 


2 Responses

  1. Very informative. I would like to have information about fluorescence in diamond please. 💎 Thank you

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