Diamond Inhouse

Is CVD Diamond manmade?

There are some people who do have a bit of idea but some people don’t know or have any clue what CVD diamond are. People should know the substitutes for the diamonds that are available. For the people who are interested in diamonds, CVD diamonds are worth looking into. 

CVD diamond

That’s why we’ve come up with an easy understanding of CVD Diamonds. Its formations, comparisons, advantages, etc. will be explained.


When CVD diamonds came into reality?


The first lab-grown or manmade diamond was created by General Electric back in 1955. Many companies started with the technology of making manmade diamonds by the method of the HPHT approach. Due to this approach, later the creation of the CVD approach came into existence. By all the efforts, this approach came into existence in the late 1980s. However, in this natural diamond growing world, CVD diamonds which are manmade diamonds came into reality. 


What does the CVD Diamond mean?


The diamonds as we know are taken out below the ground levels of the earth are called the real diamonds. And some diamonds are from above grounds, which means in laboratories which are known as manmade diamonds or CVD diamonds. Unlike the natural diamonds which take billions and billions of years to form and extract from the Earth’s surface, CVD diamonds rely on a special process called Chemical Vapor Deposition.

CVD Diamond



Does the CVD diamond the same as real diamonds?


The Natural Diamonds, from their internal atomic structure to the mining and later to the polishing whereas CVD diamonds are created at the laboratories with less environmental impacts. CVD diamond look-alike real diamonds. In fact, even a professional or trained jeweler cannot recognize the difference. A statement that was issued in 2018 by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), A diamond is a diamond, whether it is a CVD; made in laboratories, or Real diamond, found in the earth’s core.


How these manmade diamonds are made?


CVD Diamonds growing is a unique process in which a thin seed diamond is placed inside a chamber and is treated in high temperatures for around 700 degrees. Then the next step is mixing in the chamber of a carbon-rich gas usually a combination of methane and hydrogen. The molecular bonds are broken by ionizing the gases and allowing the carbon to attach itself in the chamber with the diamond seed. The carbon builds up, it forms atomic bonds with the seed diamond, resulting in the growth of a new, larger diamond which is completely identical to the diamonds that found in nature.


Were All manmade diamonds and CVD Diamond the same?

No, there was a different approach used by the laboratories which were known as the HPHT approach, High Pressure High Temperature. Later the introduction of CVD, which was a more efficient process in making diamonds than the HPHT approach. CVD approach is used by the maximum manufacturers to make diamonds.

CVD diamond


Do CVD diamonds grade the same as real diamonds?

Yes, many laboratories in the world, which are grading the CVD diamonds and providing the Certificates. As the certification is the same as that of the real diamond. The laboratories will measure all the 4Cs of the diamond and other qualities of the diamonds. Each diamond will be given an overall grade with a unique number and a scannable barcode with it.

Do CVD diamonds are Expensive than real diamonds?

CVD diamonds tend to cost a lot less than real diamonds. If we talk in terms of percentage than CVD diamonds costs around 50-70% lesser than the real diamonds. For example, if we are interested in buying 1.5 carats of a real diamond and if we switch to CVD we can have an up-gradation to a 2.5 to 2.7 carats diamond.  

The process for the Real diamonds as they first have to be located, extracted, shipped, and sold to rough dealers. The dealer then shipped and sold it to the manufacturers. They transform the rough stones into diamonds and make them polished. After the process of polishing, they then shipped it and sold it to the jewelry fabricators. And later to the independent retailers. Its a big diamond chain with huge rents, investments, and advertising budgets.

CVD diamonds on the other hand skip most of the above process mentioned and allow for a much more affordable price tag to the end consumers. That’s the reason why CVD is much cheaper than real diamonds.

What are the Pros and Cons of buying CVD Diamonds?

The creation of CVD diamonds has Pros and Cons like:


  1. Ecofriendly,
  2. It is more affordable,
  3. It has less environmental costs,
  4. Furthermore, it is easy to care for, and
  5. Mainly authorized by many high-class laboratories in the world.


  1. CVD Diamonds are not one of a kind like naturally grown diamonds,
  2. They don’t have the proper resale value for it so if you are thinking to buy it for investment than CVD is not a good option,
  3. It does not have the “IT FACTOR” which comes in naturally grown diamonds,
  4. People might think you have bought a CZ or a fake diamond instead of a real or lab-grown.

 This was some basic information about CVD diamonds, which can help you and make you understand about your buying decisions.

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